Welcome to CIP_documentation’s documentation!

CIP Documents

This repository is where keeps all documents at one place for all working groups of the CIP projects to meet secure development process definced at IEC 62443-4-1 which require to maintain documents and their versions.

Management policy

This repository will be maintained by a few security members to meet secure development process, thus branches in this repository will be protected by restricting members enabling to push and merge.


The license of all documentation in this repository follows the intellectual property policy in the CIP Charter. See section 14-e in the CIP Charter.


This section will give brief descriptions about each document to make navigating this repository easier. Non-document files will not be explained here. - cip-project - cip-documents - developer - event - process - security - testing - user




FOSS_Security_S tudy_Summary

Presentation on security increases in Debian over time.




Introduction of CIP Software Updates Working Group

Presentation CIP Software Update WG.

CIP Security towards achieving industrial grade security

Presentation CIP Security WG.

Threat modelling - Key methodologies and applications from OSS CIP(CIP) perspecti ve

Presentation of CIP Security WG on Threat modeling in CIP.




CIP File Integrity

The primary objective of this document is to explain about how file integrity for CIP deliverables is achieved.

CIP Roles and Responsibility Matrix

The primary objective of this document is to show the roles in CIP with their responsibilities and accountabilities. It is also shwon which roles should be consulted and/or informed for certain actions and which qualifications, if any, are needed to fulfill a role.

CIP Secure Development Process

This document is based on IEC-62443-4-1 (Edition 1.0 2018-01) secure development process requirements.The Objective is to adhere IEC-62443-4-1 secure development process requirements in CIP development as much as possible.




CIP Security Coding Guide Lines

This document explains how CIP Project and its upstream projects are following security coding guidelines.

Static analysis tools for CIP packages

This document explains how CIP Project executes SCA with some explanation on how to use some SCA software.

CIP Development Environment Security

The primary objective of this document is to document current development environment security, development flow and how security is maintained.

IEC 62443-4-2 App & HW Guidelines

The primary objective of this document is to provide guidelines to CIP users for meeting IEC-62443-4-2 security requirements. The document explains about each IEC-62443-4-2 requirements whether it has already been met by CIP. In addition this document also explains about iec security layer added in CIP to meet IEC-62443-4-2 security requirements.

User Security Manu al

This document contains items identified during IEC-62443-4-1 and IEC-62443-4-2 Gap Assessment for user security manual.

OWASP Top 10 Vulnerabilities Monitoring

The primary objective of this document is to explain about how various OWASP. top 10 vulnerabilities are handled in CIP.

`CIP Private Key Management

cip-documents/-/blob/master/secur ity/private_key_management.md>`__

The primary objective of this document is to explain about how various private keys used in CIP development are maintained and kept secure and confidential.

CIP Security Requirement s

This document is intended to capture CIP security requirements based on IEC-62443-4-2 standard.

CIP Threat Mo deling

The primary objective of this document is to create Threat Model for CIP reference platform.




CIP_IEC-62443-4-2 _Security_TestCases

Overview of the CIP 62443-4-2 test cases.

CIP Penetration Testin g

The primary objective of this document is to identify suitable penetration testing tool and document the process how this can be re-used by CIP end users for their specific use cases.




CIP User Man ual

This document is a user perspective overview and technical guide for CIP.